Thursday, September 2, 2010

Initial Thesis Ideas

Honestly, I understand that half of these don't have any correlation to design/can't be answered but I thought - the more the merrier! - so I put all of the ideas that popped into my head. They WILL be revised!! In all honesty, I feel like # 2 is my favorite because my abroad experience made me realize this and my friend from England mentioned this to me. Check it out!

1. 1.Entertainment becoming less affordable
concerts, movies, sporting events.
Scalpers taking advantage of the system
Why are concerts increasing rapidly in price?
What other ways can event-goers get tickets without paying high convenience charges?
What can be done about the resale/scalping of tickets for profit?

2. 2. Lack of healthy dining options. Tackling the fast food empire.
Lack of salad bars, healthy snacks in general.
Americans thrive on convenience.
Why do Americans chose fast food establishments?
Where could healthy food chains be located?
Who would benefit/who should the target audience be?
Who should the design/branding/products appeal to?

3. 3. Hearing loss in children – being affected by iPods, loud concerts, etc.
hearing loss is not severe but it is more prominent
What ways can people listen to music without damaging their hearing?
How can people be convinced to stray away from using headphones/playing headphones too loudly?

4. 4. Drug commercials – Advertisement or a general concern for your health?
Why does the list of side effects seem to outweigh the benefits?
Can prescription drugs be damaging to your health?
Who creates the advertising/marketing for prescription drugs and how can they be contacted to create a product you feel safe to take?

5. 5. Sports rivalries – the difference between pride and hatred
When does a rivalry become to extreme?

How can pride and respect overcome pride and hatred and violence?
What kind of environment could bridge the gap between extreme rivalries – is this even possible?

6. 6. Homelessness.
How does age, appearance, demographic, and location affect how willing people are to notice and/or help out.
What can be done to get people off the streets and geared towards getting jobs and earning money?
How much would it really take to get cost-effective housing for poor families?
What are organizations like Habitat For Humanity doing to achieve this? Is it working?

7. 7. Drinking Age – how this strict enforcement is negatively affecting teens.
Why is the age so young?
Why did it change?
Who is at fault when teens drink in unsafe conditions (i.e. out of sight from parents, far from help, etc)?
Is the relationship between teen drinking and driving accidents related to the higher drinking age? (i.e. are kids driving because they don’t want to rely on their parents to pick them up/don’t want their parents to know they are drinking underage?)

8. 8. The Changing Interior Design Industry
How is the industry changing due to easy access to design on the internet/television?
In-store designers, budgets, internet – how all of these things detract from the established role of a designer?
What are innovative ways for designers to establish themselves/stand apart from the crowd?

9. 9. Drinking wine daily
Pros and cons of alcohol consumption on a daily basis.
Are there health benefits?
How does this affect a person’s image in society?
What percent of someone’s budget would be spent on alcohol yearly? Is the cost worth the potential health benefits/potential negative image?

10. 10. Addictive behaviors: Texting/Social networking sites
When does it become too much/overboard?
How are relationships among friends, colleagues, and significant others being defined through indirect interaction/socialization?
What will the next big thing be?
How will the new youth constantly stay entertained? How can we slow down the overconsumption of technology?

11. Peanut allergies
What can be done in factories to ensure that peanuts are not prepared or in contact with surfaces
that food not containing peanuts is produced on?
Why are peanut allergies becoming more prominent?
What food could be used to replace peanuts without sacrificing the integrity of a natural food source?

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