Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is interior design?

Interior Design is a way to creatively solve a problem. As a designer, we focus on different variables that contribute to the overall function of a space. Location, use, and user are a few key elements that define the direction that a design will follow. While designs can be imaginative and innovative, they should also work to solve a problem within an existing space or work to create a cohesive feeling in new construction.

Interior Design cannot be defined as one single entity. The truth is that design spans over a multitude of elements. Aesthetics are not all that we are interested in. Human emotion and response is significant in a design. Through the use of lighting, materials, and textiles, designers can evoke different emotions from the user.

Importantly, Interior Design is about listening. What does the client want? How far will you be able to negotiate? In the ideal world, interior designers would be able to flaunt their creativity and design anything imaginable. However, this is not always possible. Working with budgets and making others realize your vision is all part of the game – you just need to be ready to play.

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